Personalization tags

Personalization is a great way to tailor the message to each customer and increase engagement using dynamic content. CartBounty offers various personalization tags allowing easy customization of each abandoned cart reminder message.

1. How personalization tags work

Personalization tags available in CartBounty are based on abandoned cart data that can be seen in the abandoned cart table. To personalize your message and insert dynamic content tags, you can either use personalization button located next to input fields or enter the tag manually.

Example: If you would like to include recipient’s Name in the subject field of an email message, you would add [name] tag to the input field. Once CartBounty sends the message – tag will be changed into recipient’s name.

How to insert a personalization tag with a fallback term
How to insert a personalization tag with a fallback term

Fallback terms

There can be situations when a specific tag you have added to your message lacks relevant data (e.g. Name of the customer is empty). This could result in a weird message therefore CartBounty allows setting a fallback term to each tag – a word or words, that will be used to substitute empty data.

Please use the following syntax to add a fallback term to any of the available tags:

[tag | Fallback text here]

Fallback can also contain HTML tags inside it:

[tag | Fallback <i>with</i> HTML here]

Please note that if a fallback term is added to [recovery_link | Restore cart] or [unsubscribe_link | Click to unsubscribe], it does not work as a fallback term, but instead will change the name of the link inside the message.

2. Conditional tags

Apart from basic personalization tags, CartBounty also allows conditional tags which add additional layer of personalization and allow even greater message customization.

Conditional tags are similar to programming and allow to create If / Else statements. The first tag includes a variable, operator and a value which checks if the statement is true or false and displays the outcome that has been given.

Here is an example of a conditional tag that checks how many products are in the cart and outputs appropriate result:

Collect your [if: item_count >= 2]products[else]product[endif].

Conditional tag syntax

Conditional tag syntax using an operator (view available operators):

[if: tag = value] Output if condition is TRUE [else] Output if condition is FALSE [endif]

Conditional tag without comparison operator (boolean comparison) which checks if the tag is true or false:

[if: tag] Output if comparison is TRUE [else] Output if comparison is FALSE [endif]

Conditional tag without [else] statement:

[if: tag] Output if condition is TRUE [endif]

Please note the following limitations when building conditional statements:

  • Nested conditional statements are not supported
  • Brackets [] can’t be used inside brackets
  • Only one comparison is supported in each statement

Conditional tags can make the message more complex, please test your messages thoroughly before sending them out.

Available operators

These are available operators that can be used in conditional statements.

=equal to
!=not equal to
>greater than
<less than
>=greater than or equal to
<=less than or equal to

3. Personalization examples

Here is a list of commonly used personalization examples that should help with building your own content.

Display content based on location

You can use [country] tag to personalize message according to customer’s country. Similarly you can use [city] and [postcode] tags.

[if: country = US]Content for US customers[else]Content for the rest of the world[endif].

Translate content for different audiences

Using [language] tag to change the message according to customer’s language. See our translations page to learn about other translation options.

[if:language = es]Spanish content here[endif]

Product specific content

Display additional content in case a specific product is in the cart using [product_id] tag. This will work only if shopping cart consists of a single product with the provided ID (e.g. if the cart has two products, one with Product ID = 86 and the other with Product ID = 87, the message will not be displayed).

[if: product_id = 86]You have abandoned one of our most popular products![endif]

4. Available tags

Below is a list of all available tags that you can use to personalize your abandoned cart reminder messages and increase your abandoned cart recovery ratio.

TagDescriptionExample value
[name]Customer first nameJohn
[surname]Customer last nameBrown
[phone]Customer phone10026441642
[country]Customer countryUS
[city]Customer cityNew York
[postcode]Customer postcode10005
[language]Customer languageen
[cart_total]Cart total320.16
[currency]Cart currencyUSD
[item_count]Item count inside cart2
[product_id]Product ID86
[coupon]Coupon codeFT4RY_W6R37
[coupon_expiry]Coupon expiration dateJan 24, 2023
[recovery_link]Recovery link<a href=”…
[unsubscribe_link]Unsubscribe link<a href=”…
[store_name]Store nameCartBounty

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Last updated 1 year ago


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