Plugin updates

You should always keep CartBounty updated to the latest available version as it will ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress and WooCommerce releases and make sure you are able to use the latest features and security improvements.

1. How to update CartBounty

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard > Plugins
  2. Scroll down to CartBounty Pro plugin row and see if there is an update available
  3. If there are no new updates, use the “Check for updates” link.
  4. Use the “Update now” link to update the plugin
New CartBounty update available
New CartBounty update available

2. License renewal

If you see a notice that your license key has expired, you no longer will have access to updates and premium support. Please follow these steps to renew your license:

  1. Go to CartBounty license renewal page
  2. Select the license type you currently own and would like to renew
  3. Continue with checkout by providing your license key
  4. Once you have successfully renewed your license, please go to your WordPress dashboard > WooCommerce > CartBounty Pro
  5. Open Settings tab
  6. In the license key field enter “ABC” and save settings
  7. Restore your original License key and again save the settings

Last steps are necessary to update license status inside your store from Expired to Active since WordPress will not automatically release its cached values immediately after you have renewed your license.

Last updated 2 years ago


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