
The default language of CartBounty is English, however it is fully translation ready. In this article you will learn how to edit, replace or translate CartBounty strings, translate abandoned cart recovery messages and make sure your visitors are welcomed in a language they are familiar with.

There are a couple of ways to translate WordPress plugins, but we will focus on the following ones:

1. Basic string changes

If you are running a store with just one language or would like to replace some of the strings in CartBounty (e.g. “Complete checkout” button name to “Restore cart”), you can use one of these methods:

Changing the "Complete checkout" button name using Say what plugin
Changing the “Complete checkout” button name using Say what plugin

2. Translations for a multilingual store

In case you have a store with multiple languages, the best option to translate CartBounty is to use a plugin like WPML or Loco translate. Both of these plugins allow adding translations in multiple languages by scanning plugin files for strings and providing an easy interface to translate them. Besides that, these plugins allow to import translation files to make the translation process quicker and smoother.

Translation management in WPML
Translation management in WPML

Import existing translations

You can use existing translations that have been submitted by other CartBounty users and import them in the WPML or Loco translate to speed up the process of translating. Please follow these steps to see if any translations are available and import them:

  1. Go to CartBounty translations
  2. Check if the language you are looking for has at least some translations available
  3. Open language of the translations you would like to download
  4. Go to Stable (latest release) translations
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Export”
  6. Save the .po translation file on your device
Export existing translations from a WordPress plugin
Export existing translations from WordPress

Now you have the translations and can import them in your store. Here is a guide on how to import translations in Loco translate.

3. Translate abandoned cart recovery messages

CartBounty is fully compatible and able to send abandoned cart recovery messages (emails and SMS text messages) according to the language of the abandoned cart user. To translate these messages, please go to your translation plugin, e.g. WPML or Loco translate and translate strings that are used in the abandoned cart reminders.

If you are using Loco translate plugin, please make sure you do not enter any content in WordPress or BulkGate recovery input fields (.e.g., Subject, Main title, etc. – they should remain empty).

4. Resolve translation issues

If you are already using a translation plugin like WPML or Loco translate and install CartBounty, or if you add these translation plugins after setting up CartBounty, you may encounter translation problems in your store. If you’re using WPML or Loco Translate plugins and your translated content isn’t appearing as expected or you are unable to find the necessary strings, please follow these steps to resolve the issue:

For WPML users

  1. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard > WPML > Theme and plugins localization
  2. Locate and select the CartBounty Pro plugin
  3. Scan the selected plugin for strings
How to scan CartBounty Pro plugin for translation strings and update WPML string database
How to scan CartBounty Pro plugin for translation strings and update WPML string database

For Loco translate users

  1. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard > Loco translate > Plugins
  2. Find the CartBounty Pro plugin
  3. Open the language you’re working on and utilize the “Sync” button to update translation strings.
Sync button of Loco translate to update translation strings of a plugin
“Sync” button of Loco translate to update translation strings of a plugin

After completing the steps above:

  1. Confirm that the necessary strings have been translated by searching the translation string database
  2. Clear the cache of any caching plugins you are utilizing
  3. Proceed by clearing your browser cache as well

These instructions should serve as a comprehensive guide for addressing translation issues in your store. If you are using other translation plugins, the process should be similarly adaptable.

5. Help us make CartBounty available in your language

By contributing to our translations, you can help us bring CartBounty to people all around the world. It’s easy to get started – just visit our translation page, select your language, and begin translating. Your contribution will make a big difference in helping make ecommerce more accessible for all. We and our users will really appreciate your help in making CartBounty available in more languages! ❤️

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Last updated 1 year ago


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